पावलले गलातीकाे पुस्तक किन लेखेका हुन्?

पावलले गलातीकाे पुस्तक किन लेखेका हुन्?
पावलले याे पुस्तक गलातीकाे मण्डलीलाई मात्र नभएर  गलातीया प्रदेशमा रहेका विभिन्न शहरका मण्डलीहरूलाई लेखेका   थिए,  जुन मण्डलीहरूकाे पावल आफैले स्थापना  गरेका थिए। याे पुस्तक इस्वी संवत ४९–५५ मा लेखेका हुन। साथै पावलले लेखेका पत्रहरूमध्ये पहिलाे पत्र  पनि थियाे । गलातीलाई पावलले पत्र किन लेखेकाे थिए  भन्ने कुरा याे गलातीकाे पुस्तकमा स्पष्टसँग बुझिन्छ।गलातीमा भएका मण्डलीहरूले भिन्नै सुसमाचारमाथि विश्वास गर्न शुरू गरेका थिए। जस्को कारणले गर्दा पावल आश्चार्यमा पर्दछन्।मण्डलीहरुलाई स्थापना गर्ने बितिकै, अन्त बाट केही यहुदी  ख्रीष्टीयनहरु यी मण्डलीहरुमा  आएर पवलको शिक्षाको बिरोध गर्न थालेका थिए  ।

पावलले चेतावनी दिँदै भन्छन्,"हामीले अघिदेखि नै भनेजस्तै म फेरि अहिले पनि भन्द छु, तिमीहरूले जुन सुसमाचार ग्रहणगरेका छौ, त्येसको  विपरीत अरू कसैले तिमीहरूलाई प्रचार गर्दछ भने, त्यो  श्रापित होस्‌" (गलाती १ः९)। किनकी "हामी जान्दनछौं,  व्यवस्थाका कामद्वारा मानिस धर्मी ठहरिँदैन, तर येशू ख्रीष्टनमाथिको विश्वाेसद्वारा धर्मी ठहरिन्छा यसकारण हामीले पनि हाम्रो विश्वाैस ख्रीष्‍ट येशूमा राख्यौं, ताकि हामी  व्यवस्थाका कामद्वारा होइन तर ख्रीष्टेमा राखिएको विश्वामसद्वारा धर्मी ठहरिन सकौं, किनकि व्यवस्थाका कामद्वारा कोही पनि धर्मीठहरिँदैन" (गलाती२ः१६) ।

पावलकाे मुख्य शिक्षाा अनुग्रहबाट विश्वासद्वारा मात्र मानिसले उद्धार पाउन सक्छ (एफिसी २ः८,९) पावलकाे  निष्कर्ष एकदमा ठूलाे  थियाे, परमेश्वमरको अनुग्रह म पन्सावउँदिनँ, "किनकि  व्यवस्थाकाद्वारा धर्मी ठहरिने हो भनेता ख्रीष्टद व्य्र्थैमा मर्नुभयो" (गलाती २ः२१)। यदि हामीले केही गर्न सक्दछाैं भने, येशू किन मर्नुपर्याे ? यसरी लेखिएकाे छ, “व्यषवस्थादको पुस्तभकमा लेखिएका सबै कुरामा नरहने र ती पालन नगर्ने हरेक श्रापित हुन्छे" (गलाती ३ः१०) ।

तर यी भुलमा परेका यहुदी ख्रीष्टीयनहरूले गलातीहरूलाई सिकाए कि उद्धार पाउनलाई परमेश्वरकाे अनुग्रहले मात्र पुग्दैन् । तर यहुदी व्यवस्था पनि मान्न अावश्यक छ । केही यहुदी ख्रीष्टीयनहरूले गलातियाका मण्डलीहरूमा आएर अन्यजाति ख्रीष्टीयनहरूलाई झुटाे शिक्षाा सिकाउँछ । तिमीहरूले उद्धार पाउनलाई खतना गर्नुपर्छ र माेशाकाे सम्पूर्ण व्यवस्थालाई पालन गर्नुपर्छ भने (गलाती ६ः१२, प्रेरित १५ः१)। याे झुटा शिक्षाा भएकाे कारणले गलातीहरूका सम्बन्धमा पावललाई ठूलाे चिन्ता थियाे, किनभने गलातीहरूले यस्ताे शिक्षा मानेका थिए भने पावलकाे अनुग्रहकाे सुसमाचार बेकम्मा हुन जानेथियाे । जुन अनुग्रह गलातीहरूले पाएका थिए, त्याे अनुग्रह यस झुटा शिक्षाले गर्दा तिनीहरूले गुमाउन लागेका थिए ।

तसर्थ पावलले यस्ताे नयाँ सुसमाचार झुटाे शिक्षाकाे खण्डन गर्नुका साथै कामले उद्धार दिँदैन तर ख्रीष्टमा राखेकाे विश्वास र अनुग्रहले मात्र उद्धार मिल्छ भनेर गलातीहरूलाई याे पत्र लेखे ।

पावलले फिलेमाेनकाे पत्र किन लेखेका हुन् ?

पावलले फिलेमाेनकाे पत्र किन लेखेका हुन् ? फिलेमाेनकाे पुस्तक पावलले cfˆgf] कैदी अवस्थामा हुँदा लेखेकाे पत्र हाे, हामी , २३ पदमा स्पष्ट देख्न सक्छाै पावलले याे पत्र इस्वी संवत ६०, ६१ मा राेमकाे झ्यालखानामा हुँदा लेखेकाे हुनुपर्छ पावलले लेखेकाे १३ वटा पुस्तकमध्ये फिलेमाेनकाे पुस्तक सबैभन्दा सानाे पुस्तक हाे जसमा २५ वटा पदहरू छन् यस पुस्तकमा मुख्यगरी जना पात्रहरू पावल, फिलेमाेन अाेनेसिमसलाइ देख्न सक्दछाैं   पुस्तकले हामीलाइर् प्रेम, क्षमा इश्वरीय सम्बन्धकाे बारेमा राम्राेसँग शिक्षा दिएकाे

पावलकाे तेस्राे मिसनरी यात्राकाे क्रममा एफिसस भन्ने ठाउँमा अन्य जातिहरूलाई  ख्रीष्टकाे बारेमा प्रचार गर्ने शिक्षा दिने काम गरिरहेका थिए त्यसै समयमा फिलेमाेनले पावलबाट ख्रीष्टकाे बारेमा सुने ग्रहण गरे, फिलेमाेन एफिससबाट नभएर कलस्सेकाे शहरबाट अाएका िथए तर पावल भने कहिल्यै कलस्से गएका थिएनन् । फिलेमाेनले मण्डलीहरू स्थापित गर्न सहायता गर्दथे त्यसबेलाकाे समयमा उनीहरू घरघरमा भेटघाट गर्दै, प्रार्थना गर्दै, वचन अध्ययन गर्दै एक अर्कालाइ उत्साह दिने काम गर्थे

राेमी साम्राज्यकाे समयमा धनी मानिसहरूले कमाराहरू राख्ने गर्थे, त्यसैप्रकारले फिलेमाेनकाे घरमा पनि कमाराहरू थिए जसमध्ये एकजनाकाे नाउँ अाेनेसिमस थियाे  अाेनेसिमसले फिलेमाेनकाे घरबाट कुनैचिज चाेरेर राेममा भागेकाे हुन्छ  राेमी अधिकारीहरू भागेर अाएका कमाराहरूलाई सजिलैसँग पक्रन्थे झ्यालखानामा राख्थे यसरी अाेनेसिमसकाे भेट पावलसँग झ्यालखानामा हुन्छ त्यहाँ पावलले उसकाे जीवनकाे बारेमा थाहा पाएपछि येशू ख्रीष्टकाे बारेमा अाेनेसिमसलाई  सुसमाचार सुनाउँदछ  अाेनेसिमसले पनि ख्रीष्टलाइ ग्रहण गर्छ  

पावलले फिलेमाेनलाई प्रिय भाइ भनि सम्बाेधन गर्दथे (पद ) भने अाेनेसिमसकाे लागि पावल बुवा समान थिएराेममा भागेर अाएका अाेनेसिमसलाइ अाफ्नाे मालिक फिलेमाेनकहाँ फर्काइदिनुपर्छ भन्नेकुरा पावललाई महसुस भयाे । तर अाेनेसिमसलाई अाफ्ना मालिककहाँ फर्काउनु सजिलाे थिएन किनभने भागेका कमाराहरूला कानुन अनुसार मृत्युदण्ड दिने चलन थियाेपावलले अाेनेसिमसलाई अाफैसँग पनि राख्न सक्दथे तर उनले त्यसाे गरेनन् । साथै पाववले अाेनेसिमसकाे ऋण तिरीदिन्छु भनेका थिए (पद १८, १९ त्यतिबेला राेमी कानुन अनुसार कमारा अाफ्नाे मालिककाे सम्पत्तिजस्तै गनिन्थे त्यसकारणा पावलले अाेनेसिमसप्रति दया क्षमा हाेस् भनेर अनुराेध गर्नका लागि याे पत्र लेखे 

राेमी चलन कानुन अनुसार एउटा दास अाफ्ना मालिककाे निजी सम्पत्ती सरह मानिने चलनमाथि कसरी विजय गर्नुपर्ने हाे भन्ने पावलकाे एउटा तरिका यस पत्रमा हामी देख्दछाैं । मालिक दास दुवैले एक अर्कालाई प्रेम गर्नु, माफी दिनु अादर गर्नु प्रेमकाे कानुन मान्ने पावलकाे तरिका थियाे सबैभन्दा ठूलाे मानिसकाे कानुन हाेइन तर परमेश्वरकाे हाे, अर्थात ख्रीष्टकाे अाज्ञाहरू । प्रेमकाे अाज्ञा नै संसारमा भएका सबै कानुनहरू भन्दा बलियाे ख्रीष्टकाे प्रेममा मालिक कमाराे एक समान हुन्छ जसमा कुनै भेदभाव हुँदैन

तसर्थ पावलले फिलेमाेन अाेनेिसमबीच पूर्ण मिलाप हाेस् साथै ख्रीष्टीय प्रेममा अाफ्नाे भाइ समान मानेर ग्रहण गर्नका लागि पावलले यस पत्र लेखेका हुन्

Why did Paul persecute Christians before his encounter with Jesus on the way to Damascus?

Why did Paul persecute Christians before his encounter with Jesus on the way to Damascus?
While this is really interesting to know the fact about Paul. I studied the "New Perspectives of Paul" and understood something which helped me to be clear enough for the above question. Paul is a well-known figure since the first century. Before the conversion, his name was Saul in Hebrew, and Paul in Greek which was given after the conversion. He was Jews (Acts 22:3) as well as Pharisee. Being Pharisee he might be a member of Sanhedrin (the council of 70 members of the high priest). He was there when Stephen was killed Acts 7:58. Saul strongly believed in Torah Mosaic Law. He knows the Scripture and first-century Jews expected the Messiah to be glorious King would come and free them from the hated yoke of Roman domination. But the Hellenistic Diaspore Jews were converting to Christianity and many others. "The Word of God was reaching more and more people. The group of followers in Jerusalem became larger and larger even a big group of Jewish priests believed and obeyed" (Acts 6:7). This was intolerable by the Council as well as Saul. His understanding was people who died on the cross was a curse because he was familiar with the Scripture written in Deuteronomy 21:22, "And if a man has committed a crime punishable by death and he is put to death, and you hang him on a tree, his body shall not remain all night on the tree, but you shall bury him the same day, for a hanged man is cursed by God. You shall not defile your land that the Lord your God is giving you for an inheritance." This verse was the wrong understanding of Saul. He used to think why these people are following Christ who was hung on the cross. This made Saul more offensive because it was blasphemy for them. "And Saul approved of their killing him. On that day a great persecution broke out against then church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. Godly men buried Stephen and mourned deeply for him. but Saul began to destroy the church. going from house to house, he dragged off both men and women and put them in prison" (Acts 8:1-3)
Thus, I can say that Paul had a wrong understanding of the Scripture which made him persecute the Christians in the first century before his conversion.

Jesus as the suffering servant

Jesus as the suffering servant: The main theme of the Gospel of Mark is "Jesus as the suffering servant." It is the oldest of the four gospels and written to Romans. Mark portrayed Jesus as the Suffering Servant which is the heart of Mark's Gospel. "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."- Mark 10:45
Here, we can see the suffering servant, humility, and servant heart of Christ. Jesus is the perfect role model for the entire humanity to serve others without any interest. Just before the Crucifixion, Jesus washed the feet of all the disciples showing us the example of servanthood. Today, hardly people wash other's feet without profit. We know very well being God, Jesus made himself humbled and obedient to His Father in Heaven. He never compromised with the Word and never did His own will. There are thousands and thousands of ministers of God who called themselves as a servant but the question mark is, are we following His footsteps? Who is your role model? "We don't serve God to gain His acceptance; we are accepted so we serve God. we don't follow Him in order to be loved; we are loved so we follow him."- Neil T Anderson
As the Potter forms clay into vessels, some for honorable use and some for menial use, so God forms us to serve His purpose. Regardless of how our position in life may look to others, we are all formed to serve the Lord in some way or other. If God made you be a helper, then help with all your heart. If you enjoy cleaning houses for people, then do as if you are cleaning the Lord's house. There is great joy and happiness in serving God and His people. Do whatever the Lord puts in your heart to do and enjoy fulfilling your God-given purpose. Rick Warren Said, "Faithful servants never retire. You can retire from your career, but you will never retire from serving God." You are called to serve not to be served.
What is our take away: Live to serve God and serve like Christ!
God Bless You!

God doesn’t call the qualified - He qualifies the Called

God doesn’t call the qualified - He qualifies the Called: This is a very true statement that God doesn’t call you when you are qualified, fabulous or famous rather He qualifies your call. When Jesus started his public ministry He didn’t call the learned, educated, qualified, teachers or scribes for His public ministry but He called normal people like you and me. Scripture says; As Jesus was walking by Lake Galilee, He saw Simon and his brother Andrew. These brothers were fishermen, and they were throwing a net into the lake to catch fish. Jesus said to them, “Come with me, and I will make you a different kind of fisherman. You will bring in people, not fish.” Right then they left their nets and followed him. Jesus walked a little farther and saw two other brothers, James and John, the son of Zebedee. They were in their boat, preparing their nets to catch fish. As soon as Jesus saw them, he told them to come and follow me. They left their father Zebedee and the men who worked for him in the boat, and they followed Jesus (Mark 1:16-20). After following Jesus they turned into disciples. They remain faithful in their calling as well as with their master Jesus. They never thought that Jesus will die for the whole world and left them alone. But still, they remain strong in their Call. Before ascending to Heaven Jesus said to them, “All the authority in heaven and earth has given to me. Therefore, Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age,” Every disciple obeyed the Great Commission and started sharing the good news (Gospel) in the midst of persecution, pain, hatred, fear but they never give up. Think, if all the disciples were returned back to their own old business then today I would not have posted at the same time you are not reading this article. (This means you are not a mistake! God has a special pan in your life. You are chosen one, separated one and called one). Disciples were all ordinary people but did the extraordinary tasks in this World. They changed the world upside down. They proclaim the Word of God with power, authority, truth, and in Spirit. You may think, that era and this era is totally different. I agree with you but my dear friend, Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrew 13:8). The situation is still the same as before persecution, hatred, betrayal and it will remain. Only the change in development and advancement in technology. God wants sacrificial Call and devoted love from you and me. You can prepare yourself in learning and equipping yourself at the same time give yourself fully to the Lord. If you are qualified in absence of call the there is no meaning but if there is Call surely God will make you qualify. He is the king of king, Lord of Lord, great, mighty and awesome God (Revelation 19:16-17). Are you ready to follow Jesus Christ like the first-century disciples? To make the statement true (God doesn’t call the qualified - He qualifies the Call) it’s up to you and me!
So friends, if you have Call from the Lord then without any hesitation follow Christ because He will teach you, guide you, and use you for His glory in His kingdom. Scripture says, “He is Wonderful Counselor. Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). As Jesus said, “I will be with you to the end of the age”. He will never leave you and forsake you. Now, What is your response?
God Bless You!